Gary B. Kibbe
'un fotoğrafi
Görev Görüntü yönetmeni
Doğum tarihi 9 Ocak 1941
Ölümü 12 Mart 2020 79 yaşında
yıllık kariyer
In the Mouth of Madness Orijinal Fragman


Ghosts of Mars posteri
Ghosts of Mars
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Vampirler posteri
19 Mart 1999
Los Angeles’tan Kaçış posteri
Los Angeles’tan Kaçış
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Village of the damned posteri
Village of the damned
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In the Mouth of Madness posteri
In the Mouth of Madness
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Body Bags posteri
Body Bags
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RoboCop 3 posteri
RoboCop 3
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They Live posteri
They Live
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