Claude Rains


Yıl Başlık Rolü
1962 Arabistanlı Lawrence Mr. Dryden
1961 The Horse Player Kısa film Father Amion
1960 Alfred Hitchcock Presents - Sezon 6
Bölüm 22
Père Amian
1956 Alfred Hitchcock Presents - Sezon 2
Bölüm 24
Charles Gresham
1955 Alfred Hitchcock Presents - Sezon 1
Bölüm 20
John Fabian
1946 Notorious Alexander Sebastian
1942 Now, Voyager Dr. Jaquith
1942 Kazablanka Captain Renault
1941 The Wolf Man Sir John Talbot
1939 Mr. Smith Goes to Washington Senator Joseph Harrison Paine
1938 Adventures of Robin Hood, The Prince John
1936 Anthony Adverse Don Luis
1933 Görünmez Adam The Invisible One (Jack Griffin)