    Angry Birds Toons
    1. Sezon
    Puanım :
    Angry Birds Toons


    Sezon bilgisi:

    52 Bölüm
    İlk yayın tarihi: 16 Mart 2013
    1. sezon bölümleri
    Chuck Time
    S01E01 - Chuck Time
    Where's My Crown
    S01E02 - Where's My Crown
    Full Metal Chuck
    S01E03 - Full Metal Chuck
    Another Birthday
    S01E04 - Another Birthday
    Eggs Sounds
    S01E05 - Eggs Sounds
    Pig's Got Talent
    S01E06 - Pig's Got Talent
    Cordon Bleugh !
    S01E07 - Cordon Bleugh !
    A New Friend
    S01E08 - A New Friend
    Do as I Say !
    S01E09 - Do as I Say !
    Off Duty
    S01E10 - Off Duty
    Slingshot 101
    S01E11 - Slingshot 101
    Thunder Chuck
    S01E12 - Thunder Chuck
    Gardening with Terence
    S01E13 - Gardening with Terence
    Dopeys on a Rope
    S01E14 - Dopeys on a Rope
    Trojan Egg
    S01E15 - Trojan Egg
    Double Take
    S01E16 - Double Take
    Crash Test Piggies
    S01E17 - Crash Test Piggies
    S01E18 - Slappy-Go-Lucky
    Sneezy Does It
    S01E19 - Sneezy Does It
    Run Chuck Run
    S01E20 - Run Chuck Run
    Hypno Pigs
    S01E21 - Hypno Pigs
    Egg's Day Out
    S01E22 - Egg's Day Out
    Gate Crasher
    S01E23 - Gate Crasher
    Hog Roast
    S01E24 - Hog Roast
    The Bird That Cried Pig
    S01E25 - The Bird That Cried Pig
    Hamshank Redemption
    S01E26 - Hamshank Redemption
    Green Pig Soup
    S01E27 - Green Pig Soup
    Catch of the Day
    S01E28 - Catch of the Day
    Nighty Night Terence
    S01E29 - Nighty Night Terence
    Piggy Wig
    S01E30 - Piggy Wig
    Pig Plot Potion
    S01E31 - Pig Plot Potion
    Tooth Royal
    S01E32 - Tooth Royal
    Night of the Living Pork
    S01E33 - Night of the Living Pork
    King of the Castle
    S01E34 - King of the Castle
    Love is in the Air
    S01E35 - Love is in the Air
    Fired Up
    S01E36 - Fired Up
    Clash of Corns
    S01E37 - Clash of Corns
    A Pig's Best Friend
    S01E38 - A Pig's Best Friend
    Slumber Mill
    S01E39 - Slumber Mill
    Jingle Yells
    S01E40 - Jingle Yells
    El Porkador !
    S01E41 - El Porkador !
    S01E42 - Hiccups
    The Butterfly Effect
    S01E43 - The Butterfly Effect
    S01E44 - Hambo
    Bird Flu
    S01E45 - Bird Flu
    Piggies From The Deep
    S01E46 - Piggies From The Deep
    Oh, Gnome !
    S01E47 - Oh, Gnome !
    Shrub It In
    S01E48 - Shrub It In
    The Truce
    S01E49 - The Truce
    Operation Opera
    S01E50 - Operation Opera
    Chucked Out
    S01E51 - Chucked Out
    Bomb's Awake
    S01E52 - Bomb's Awake
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