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Call Me Fitz


Sezon bilgisi:

10 Bölüm
orijinal kanal: The Movie Network
İlk yayın tarihi: 7 Ekim 2013
Jason Priestley'un fotoğrafi
Rolü : Richard "Fitz" Fitzpatrick
Peter MacNeill'un fotoğrafi
Rolü : Ken Fitzpatrick
Donavon Stinson'un fotoğrafi
Rolü : Josh McTaggert
Joanna Cassidy'un fotoğrafi
Rolü : Elaine Fitzpatrick
4. sezon bölümleri
Alice Doesn't Live Here, Anymore posteri
S04E01 - Alice Doesn't Live Here, Anymore
Baby's First Brothel posteri
S04E02 - Baby's First Brothel
Raising What's-His-Name posteri
S04E03 - Raising What's-His-Name
Pulling a Polanski posteri
S04E04 - Pulling a Polanski
It's All Fun and Games Until Someone Loses a Fitz posteri
S04E05 - It's All Fun and Games Until Someone Loses a Fitz
O-Rigins posteri
S04E06 - O-Rigins
The Hard Wiener of Truth posteri
S04E07 - The Hard Wiener of Truth
Brotherly Love posteri
S04E08 - Brotherly Love
A Very Special Fitzmas - Part 1 posteri
S04E09 - A Very Special Fitzmas - Part 1
A Very Special Fitzmas - Part 2 posteri
S04E10 - A Very Special Fitzmas - Part 2