    The Chicago Code
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    The Chicago Code


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    Sezon bilgisi:

    13 Bölüm
    orijinal kanal: FOX
    İlk yayın tarihi: 2011
    Jason Clarke
    Jason Clarke
    Rolü : Jarek Wysocki
    Jennifer Beals
    Jennifer Beals
    Rolü : Teresa Colvin
    Matt Lauria
    Matt Lauria
    Rolü : Caleb Evers
    Devin Kelley
    Devin Kelley
    Rolü : Vonda Wysocki
    1. sezon bölümleri
    S01E01 - Pilot
    Hog Butcher
    S01E02 - Hog Butcher
    Gillis, Chase & Babyface
    S01E03 - Gillis, Chase & Babyface
    Cabrini Green
    S01E04 - Cabrini Green
    O’Leary’s Cow
    S01E05 - O’Leary’s Cow
    The Gold Coin Kid
    S01E06 - The Gold Coin Kid
    Black Hand and the Shotgun Man
    S01E07 - Black Hand and the Shotgun Man
    Wild Onions
    S01E08 - Wild Onions
    St. Valentine's Day Massacre
    S01E09 - St. Valentine's Day Massacre
    Bathhouse and Hinky Dink
    S01E10 - Bathhouse and Hinky Dink
    Black Sox
    S01E11 - Black Sox
    Greylord & Gambat
    S01E12 - Greylord & Gambat
    Mike Royko's Revenge
    S01E13 - Mike Royko's Revenge
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