    Beet the Vandel Buster Excellion
    1. Sezon
    Puanım :
    Beet the Vandel Buster Excellion


    Sezon bilgisi:

    25 Bölüm
    İlk yayın tarihi: 2005
    1. sezon bölümleri
    New World! The Start Of A New Adventure!
    S01E01 - New World! The Start Of A New Adventure!
    I Don't Want To Be Buster
    S01E02 - I Don't Want To Be Buster
    Gryfus Appears! Bringing Back The Runaway Rion!
    S01E03 - Gryfus Appears! Bringing Back The Runaway Rion!
    Beet's Warriors Opening An Inn in Shandigo!?
    S01E04 - Beet's Warriors Opening An Inn in Shandigo!?
    Atoron Attacks! Explosion Of The Soul Of Arts
    S01E05 - Atoron Attacks! Explosion Of The Soul Of Arts
    The Evil Of The Breeze! Beet Listens To The Night Wind's Voice
    S01E06 - The Evil Of The Breeze! Beet Listens To The Night Wind's Voice
    Moonlit Night Meeting! His Name Is Baus
    S01E07 - Moonlit Night Meeting! His Name Is Baus
    Greedy Ruler Haden! Shandigo Attacks!
    S01E08 - Greedy Ruler Haden! Shandigo Attacks!
    Tonga of Sparks! The Roar of the Thunder Strike!
    S01E09 - Tonga of Sparks! The Roar of the Thunder Strike!
    Hang Infiltrates! The Battle on Tengeki Festival!
    S01E10 - Hang Infiltrates! The Battle on Tengeki Festival!
    The Weakest Vandel on the Planet! His Name is Nyanjamar!
    S01E11 - The Weakest Vandel on the Planet! His Name is Nyanjamar!
    Raymond of the Streams! Young Ones, This is Training!
    S01E12 - Raymond of the Streams! Young Ones, This is Training!
    Jera out for Revenge! Beet is Consumed by Flame!
    S01E13 - Jera out for Revenge! Beet is Consumed by Flame!
    Revealed! The Secret of the Dark Dungeon!
    S01E14 - Revealed! The Secret of the Dark Dungeon!
    The Great Search! Beet Resurrected!
    S01E15 - The Great Search! Beet Resurrected!
    The Awakened Tenryoku! The Power that lies within Leon!
    S01E16 - The Awakened Tenryoku! The Power that lies within Leon!
    Vaus` Sweeping Attack! The Battle for Shantigo!
    S01E17 - Vaus` Sweeping Attack! The Battle for Shantigo!
    Vaus versus Padro! To Protect Leon!
    S01E18 - Vaus versus Padro! To Protect Leon!
    Windfang Flash! The Soul of a Wind Mage!
    S01E19 - Windfang Flash! The Soul of a Wind Mage!
    The Beet Wariors! Break Into The Dark Dungeon!
    S01E20 - The Beet Wariors! Break Into The Dark Dungeon!
    Maidens of Flame and Thunder! Defeat Hang!
    S01E21 - Maidens of Flame and Thunder! Defeat Hang!
    The Dark Dungeon Flies!
    S01E22 - The Dark Dungeon Flies!
    Warden of the Dark Dungeon! The True Vaus!
    S01E23 - Warden of the Dark Dungeon! The True Vaus!
    The Final Battle! Flashing Excellion Blade!!
    S01E24 - The Final Battle! Flashing Excellion Blade!!
    Farewell Shantigo!
    S01E25 - Farewell Shantigo!
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