    Animal Crackers
    1. Sezon
    Puanım :
    Animal Crackers


    Sezon bilgisi:

    13 Bölüm
    İlk yayın tarihi: 1997
    1. sezon bölümleri
    High Gnu'n / Eu-genial
    S01E01 - High Gnu'n / Eu-genial
    Dino-Sore-As-Heck / Wilderness Training 101
    S01E02 - Dino-Sore-As-Heck / Wilderness Training 101
    Treasure Of The Preserva Freeborna / Call Waiting
    S01E03 - Treasure Of The Preserva Freeborna / Call Waiting
    For Goodness Snakes / Meat The Folks
    S01E04 - For Goodness Snakes / Meat The Folks
    If You Can't Be'em, Join'em / Spring Fever
    S01E05 - If You Can't Be'em, Join'em / Spring Fever
    Pachyderm Epidemic / Herd Mentality
    S01E06 - Pachyderm Epidemic / Herd Mentality
    Going Quackers / Blockbusted
    S01E07 - Going Quackers / Blockbusted
    Pachy My Bag / Mommy Dearest
    S01E08 - Pachy My Bag / Mommy Dearest
    Sherlock Dodo / Poultrygeist
    S01E09 - Sherlock Dodo / Poultrygeist
    Lyle's Psychic Alliance / Snowed Inn
    S01E10 - Lyle's Psychic Alliance / Snowed Inn
    Svelte Veldt / All The Preserve's A Stage
    S01E11 - Svelte Veldt / All The Preserve's A Stage
    It's A Date / Woolly For Bully
    S01E12 - It's A Date / Woolly For Bully
    Lights, Camera, Lyle! / Bud And Edna's Excellent Adventure!
    S01E13 - Lights, Camera, Lyle! / Bud And Edna's Excellent Adventure!
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