    Jungle Cubs
    1. Sezon
    Puanım :
    Jungle Cubs


    Sezon bilgisi:

    21 Bölüm
    orijinal kanal: Syndication
    İlk yayın tarihi: 1996
    1. sezon bölümleri
    A Night In The Wasteland
    S01E01 - A Night In The Wasteland
    Buffaloed / Haiti Meets His Match
    S01E02 - Buffaloed / Haiti Meets His Match
    Red Dogs
    S01E03 - Red Dogs
    Bare Necessities / Mondo Mungo
    S01E04 - Bare Necessities / Mondo Mungo
    Who Wants To Be A Baboon?
    S01E05 - Who Wants To Be A Baboon?
    How The Panther Lost His Roar / The Humans Must Be Crazy
    S01E06 - How The Panther Lost His Roar / The Humans Must Be Crazy
    Hulla Baloo / Shere Bliss
    S01E07 - Hulla Baloo / Shere Bliss
    The Great Kaadini
    S01E08 - The Great Kaadini
    How The Panther Lost His Roar / The Humans Must Be Crazy
    S01E09 - How The Panther Lost His Roar / The Humans Must Be Crazy
    Hulla Baloo
    S01E10 - Hulla Baloo
    Shere Bliss
    S01E11 - Shere Bliss
    The Great Kaadini
    S01E12 - The Great Kaadini
    Treasure Of The Middle Jungle
    S01E13 - Treasure Of The Middle Jungle
    Splendor In The Mud
    S01E14 - Splendor In The Mud
    Benny & Clyde
    S01E15 - Benny & Clyde
    Feather Brains
    S01E16 - Feather Brains
    The Coming Of The Wolves
    S01E17 - The Coming Of The Wolves
    Fool Me Once...
    S01E18 - Fool Me Once...
    Trouble On The Waterfront
    S01E19 - Trouble On The Waterfront
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