    The West Wing
    7. Sezon
    Puanım :
    The West Wing


    Sezon bilgisi:

    22 Bölüm
    orijinal kanal: NBC
    İlk yayın tarihi: 2005
    1 Fotoğraf
    Martin Sheen
    Martin Sheen
    Allison Janney
    Allison Janney
    Richard Schiff
    Richard Schiff
    John Spencer
    John Spencer
    • Fotoğraf The West Wing
    7. sezon bölümleri
    The Ticket
    S07E01 - The Ticket
    The Mommy Problem
    S07E02 - The Mommy Problem
    Message Of The Week
    S07E03 - Message Of The Week
    Mr. Frost
    S07E04 - Mr. Frost
    Here Today
    S07E05 - Here Today
    The Al Smith Dinner
    S07E06 - The Al Smith Dinner
    The Debate
    S07E07 - The Debate
    S07E08 - Undecideds
    The Wedding
    S07E09 - The Wedding
    Running Mates
    S07E10 - Running Mates
    Internal Displacement
    S07E11 - Internal Displacement
    Duck and Cover
    S07E12 - Duck and Cover
    The Cold
    S07E13 - The Cold
    Two Weeks Out
    S07E14 - Two Weeks Out
    Welcome to Wherever You Are
    S07E15 - Welcome to Wherever You Are
    Election Day (Part 1)
    S07E16 - Election Day (Part 1)
    Election Day (Part 2)
    S07E17 - Election Day (Part 2)
    S07E18 - Requiem
    S07E19 - Transition
    The Last Hurrah
    S07E20 - The Last Hurrah
    Insititutional Memory
    S07E21 - Insititutional Memory
    S07E22 - Tomorrow
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