    G-On Riders
    1. Sezon
    Puanım :
    G-On Riders


    Sezon bilgisi:

    13 Bölüm
    İlk yayın tarihi: 2002
    1. sezon bölümleri
    Sink, small cutter!
    S01E01 - Sink, small cutter!
    Glasses, why make?
    S01E02 - Glasses, why make?
    Get Angry, Sela!
    S01E03 - Get Angry, Sela!
    The drive
    S01E04 - The drive
    Yayoi goes straight!
    S01E05 - Yayoi goes straight!
    Time to train!
    S01E06 - Time to train!
    The Tale of Seven Men and Women
    S01E07 - The Tale of Seven Men and Women
    Being Called a Long-time Loser
    S01E08 - Being Called a Long-time Loser
    Who Will Wear the Maid Clothes?
    S01E09 - Who Will Wear the Maid Clothes?
    Lesson of seduction (Get You)
    S01E10 - Lesson of seduction (Get You)
    What happened to Mako?
    S01E11 - What happened to Mako?
    Will professor Sanada betray?
    S01E12 - Will professor Sanada betray?
    Uneven Strawberries
    S01E13 - Uneven Strawberries
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