    Normal, Ohio
    1. Sezon
    Puanım :
    Normal, Ohio


    Sezon bilgisi:

    12 Bölüm
    orijinal kanal: FOX
    İlk yayın tarihi: 2000
    John Goodman
    John Goodman
    Greg Pitts
    Greg Pitts
    Orson Bean
    Orson Bean
    Anita Gillette
    Anita Gillette
    1. sezon bölümleri
    Homecoming Queen
    S01E01 - Homecoming Queen
    Foreign Affairs
    S01E02 - Foreign Affairs
    Caught on Tape
    S01E03 - Caught on Tape
    A Thanksgiving Episode
    S01E04 - A Thanksgiving Episode
    Buyer's Remorse
    S01E05 - Buyer's Remorse
    Working Girl
    S01E06 - Working Girl
    Just Another Normal Christmas
    S01E07 - Just Another Normal Christmas
    Pamela's New Boyfriend
    S01E08 - Pamela's New Boyfriend
    Forgotten, But Not Gone
    S01E09 - Forgotten, But Not Gone
    The Favorite
    S01E10 - The Favorite
    He Always Gets His Man
    S01E11 - He Always Gets His Man
    Charlie's Gamble
    S01E12 - Charlie's Gamble
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