    Full Metal Panic!
    2. Sezon
    Puanım :
    Full Metal Panic!


    Sezon bilgisi:

    13 Bölüm
    orijinal kanal: Wowow
    İlk yayın tarihi: 2002
    2. sezon bölümleri
    The Man From The South / Hostage Who Requires no Negotiation
    S02E01 - The Man From The South / Hostage Who Requires no Negotiation
    Hostility Passing-By / A Fruitless Lunchtime
    S02E02 - Hostility Passing-By / A Fruitless Lunchtime
    Summer Illusion of Steel
    S02E03 - Summer Illusion of Steel
    The Hamburger Hill of Art / Single Minded Stakeout!
    S02E04 - The Hamburger Hill of Art / Single Minded Stakeout!
    The Pure Yet Impure Grappler / Trespassing on Good Faith
    S02E05 - The Pure Yet Impure Grappler / Trespassing on Good Faith
    The Hard Sell Fetish / The Patient of Darkness
    S02E06 - The Hard Sell Fetish / The Patient of Darkness
    Overdone Warcry
    S02E07 - Overdone Warcry
    A Goddess Comes to Japan (Part 1: The Suffering)
    S02E08 - A Goddess Comes to Japan (Part 1: The Suffering)
    A Goddess Comes to Japan (Part 2: The Hot Spring)
    S02E09 - A Goddess Comes to Japan (Part 2: The Hot Spring)
    A Fancy Without Honor or Humanity
    S02E10 - A Fancy Without Honor or Humanity
    Uncontrollable Bluebird
    S02E11 - Uncontrollable Bluebird
    5th Period Hot Spot
    S02E12 - 5th Period Hot Spot
    The Commanding Officer's Rather Quiet Day
    S02E13 - The Commanding Officer's Rather Quiet Day
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