2. Sezon
Puanım :
0.5 Berbat
1 Çok Kötü
1.5 Kötü
2 Yetersiz
2.5 Geçer
3 Ortalama
3.5 İyi
4 Çok İyi
4.5 Muhteşem
5 Kusursuz!
Diff'rent Strokes


Sezon bilgisi:

26 Bölüm
orijinal kanal: NBC
İlk yayın tarihi: 21 Eylül 1979
Todd Bridges'un fotoğrafi
Rolü : Willis Jackson
Dana Plato'un fotoğrafi
Rolü : Kimberly Drummond
Charlotte Rae'un fotoğrafi
Rolü : Edna Garrett
2. sezon bölümleri
Arnold's Girlfriend - Part 1 posteri
S02E01 - Arnold's Girlfriend - Part 1
Arnold's Girlfriend - Part 2 posteri
S02E02 - Arnold's Girlfriend - Part 2
Feudin' and Fussin' - Part 1 posteri
S02E03 - Feudin' and Fussin' - Part 1
Feudin' and Fussin' - Part 2 posteri
S02E04 - Feudin' and Fussin' - Part 2
Mrs. Garrett's Romance posteri
S02E05 - Mrs. Garrett's Romance
Birds and Bees posteri
S02E06 - Birds and Bees
Arnold's Hero posteri
S02E07 - Arnold's Hero
The Adoption - Part 1 posteri
S02E08 - The Adoption - Part 1
The Adoption - Part 2 posteri
S02E09 - The Adoption - Part 2
Father and Son Day posteri
S02E10 - Father and Son Day
Thanksgiving Crossover - Part 1 posteri
S02E11 - Thanksgiving Crossover - Part 1
Thanksgiving Crossover - Part 2 posteri
S02E12 - Thanksgiving Crossover - Part 2
The Rivals posteri
S02E13 - The Rivals
Hot Watch posteri
S02E14 - Hot Watch
The Dog Story posteri
S02E15 - The Dog Story
The Election posteri
S02E16 - The Election
Friendly-Mate posteri
S02E17 - Friendly-Mate
Poor Drummond posteri
S02E18 - Poor Drummond
Big Business posteri
S02E19 - Big Business
Return of the Gooch posteri
S02E20 - Return of the Gooch
Valentine's Day Retrospective posteri
S02E21 - Valentine's Day Retrospective
Skin Deep or True Blue posteri
S02E22 - Skin Deep or True Blue
Teacher's Pet posteri
S02E23 - Teacher's Pet
The Slumber Party posteri
S02E24 - The Slumber Party
Arnold Faces Fatality posteri
S02E25 - Arnold Faces Fatality
The Squealer posteri
S02E26 - The Squealer