5. Sezon
Puanım :
0.5 Berbat
1 Çok Kötü
1.5 Kötü
2 Yetersiz
2.5 Geçer
3 Ortalama
3.5 İyi
4 Çok İyi
4.5 Muhteşem
5 Kusursuz!
Tatlı Cadı


3,1 1 Puanlama, 1 Eleştiri

Sezon bilgisi:

30 Bölüm
orijinal kanal: ABC
İlk yayın tarihi: 1968
5. sezon bölümleri
Samantha's Wedding Present posteri
S05E01 - Samantha's Wedding Present
Samantha Goes South for a Spell posteri
S05E02 - Samantha Goes South for a Spell
Samantha on the Keyboard posteri
S05E03 - Samantha on the Keyboard
Darrin Gone! and Forgotten ? posteri
S05E04 - Darrin Gone! and Forgotten ?
It's so Nice to Have a Spouse Around the House posteri
S05E05 - It's so Nice to Have a Spouse Around the House
Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall posteri
S05E06 - Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall
Samantha's French Pastry posteri
S05E07 - Samantha's French Pastry
Is It Magic or Imagination posteri
S05E08 - Is It Magic or Imagination
Samantha Fights City Hall posteri
S05E09 - Samantha Fights City Hall
Samantha Loses Her Voice posteri
S05E10 - Samantha Loses Her Voice
I Don't Want to Be a Toad, I Want to Be a Butterfly posteri
S05E11 - I Don't Want to Be a Toad, I Want to Be a Butterfly
Weep No More My Willow posteri
S05E12 - Weep No More My Willow
Instant Courtesy posteri
S05E13 - Instant Courtesy
Samantha's Super Maid posteri
S05E14 - Samantha's Super Maid
Serena Strikes Again - Part 1 posteri
S05E15 - Serena Strikes Again - Part 1
Serena Strikes Again - Part 2 posteri
S05E16 - Serena Strikes Again - Part 2
One Touch of Midas posteri
S05E17 - One Touch of Midas
Samantha, the Bard posteri
S05E18 - Samantha, the Bard
Samantha, the Sculptress posteri
S05E19 - Samantha, the Sculptress
Mrs. Stephens, Where Are You? posteri
S05E20 - Mrs. Stephens, Where Are You?
Marriage Witch's Style posteri
S05E21 - Marriage Witch's Style
Going Ape posteri
S05E22 - Going Ape
Tabatha's Weekend posteri
S05E23 - Tabatha's Weekend
The Battle of Burning Oak posteri
S05E24 - The Battle of Burning Oak
Samantha's Power Failure posteri
S05E25 - Samantha's Power Failure
Samantha Twitches for Unicef posteri
S05E26 - Samantha Twitches for Unicef
Daddy Does His Thing posteri
S05E27 - Daddy Does His Thing
Samantha's Good News posteri
S05E28 - Samantha's Good News
Samantha's Shopping Spree posteri
S05E29 - Samantha's Shopping Spree
Samantha and Darrin in Mexico City posteri
S05E30 - Samantha and Darrin in Mexico City