2. Sezon
Puanım :
0.5 Berbat
1 Çok Kötü
1.5 Kötü
2 Yetersiz
2.5 Geçer
3 Ortalama
3.5 İyi
4 Çok İyi
4.5 Muhteşem
5 Kusursuz!


Sezon bilgisi:

23 Bölüm
orijinal kanal: NBC
İlk yayın tarihi: 1982
2. sezon bölümleri
And the Winner Is... posteri
S02E01 - And the Winner Is...
Your Own Song posteri
S02E02 - Your Own Song
Feelings posteri
S02E03 - Feelings
Class Act posteri
S02E04 - Class Act
Teachers posteri
S02E05 - Teachers
Beginnings posteri
S02E06 - Beginnings
Solo Song posteri
S02E07 - Solo Song
Winners posteri
S02E08 - Winners
Words posteri
S02E09 - Words
Blood, Sweat and Circuits posteri
S02E10 - Blood, Sweat and Circuits
Homecoming posteri
S02E11 - Homecoming
A Tough Act to Follow posteri
S02E12 - A Tough Act to Follow
Relationships posteri
S02E13 - Relationships
Star Quality posteri
S02E14 - Star Quality
Sunshine Again posteri
S02E15 - Sunshine Again
Love is the Question posteri
S02E16 - Love is the Question
Childhood's End posteri
S02E17 - Childhood's End
Friendship Day posteri
S02E18 - Friendship Day
Not in Kansas Anymore posteri
S02E19 - Not in Kansas Anymore
The Kids From Fame Live posteri
S02E20 - The Kids From Fame Live
...Help From My Friends posteri
S02E21 - ...Help From My Friends
Ending on a High Note posteri
S02E22 - Ending on a High Note
U.N. Week posteri
S02E23 - U.N. Week