    The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
    2. Sezon
    Puanım :
    The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air


    Sezon bilgisi:

    24 Bölüm
    orijinal kanal: NBC
    İlk yayın tarihi: 1991
    1 Fotoğraf
    Will Smith
    Will Smith
    Rolü : Will Smith
    Alfonso Ribeiro
    Alfonso Ribeiro
    Rolü : Carlton Banks
    James Avery
    James Avery
    Rolü : Philip Banks
    Karyn Parsons
    Karyn Parsons
    Rolü : Hilary Banks
    • Fotoğraf The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
    2. sezon bölümleri
    Did the Earth Move For You?
    S02E01 - Did the Earth Move For You?
    The Mother of All Battles
    S02E02 - The Mother of All Battles
    Will Gets a Job
    S02E03 - Will Gets a Job
    PSAT Pstory
    S02E04 - PSAT Pstory
    Granny Gets Busy
    S02E05 - Granny Gets Busy
    Guess Who's Coming to Marry?
    S02E06 - Guess Who's Coming to Marry?
    The Big Four-Oh
    S02E07 - The Big Four-Oh
    She Ain't Heavy
    S02E08 - She Ain't Heavy
    Cased Up
    S02E09 - Cased Up
    Hi-Ho Silver
    S02E10 - Hi-Ho Silver
    The Butler Did It
    S02E11 - The Butler Did It
    Something For Nothing
    S02E12 - Something For Nothing
    Christmas Show
    S02E13 - Christmas Show
    Hilary Gets a Life
    S02E14 - Hilary Gets a Life
    My Brother's Keeper
    S02E15 - My Brother's Keeper
    Geoffrey Cleans Up
    S02E16 - Geoffrey Cleans Up
    Community Action
    S02E17 - Community Action
    Ill Will
    S02E18 - Ill Will
    Eyes on the Prize
    S02E19 - Eyes on the Prize
    Those Were the Days
    S02E20 - Those Were the Days
    Vying for Attention
    S02E21 - Vying for Attention
    The Aunt Who Came to Dinner
    S02E22 - The Aunt Who Came to Dinner
    Be My Baby Tonight
    S02E23 - Be My Baby Tonight
    Strip-Tease for Two
    S02E24 - Strip-Tease for Two
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