    The Streets of San Francisco
    1. Sezon
    Puanım :
    The Streets of San Francisco


    Sezon bilgisi:

    28 Bölüm
    orijinal kanal: ABC
    İlk yayın tarihi: 1972
    Karl Malden
    Karl Malden
    Rolü : Mike Stone
    Michael Douglas
    Michael Douglas
    Rolü : Steve Keller
    1. sezon bölümleri
    The Streets of San Francisco - Part 1
    S01E01 - The Streets of San Francisco - Part 1
    The Streets of San Francisco - Part 2
    S01E02 - The Streets of San Francisco - Part 2
    The Thirty-Year Pin
    S01E03 - The Thirty-Year Pin
    The First Day of Forever
    S01E04 - The First Day of Forever
    45 Minutes from Home
    S01E05 - 45 Minutes from Home
    Whose Little Boy Are You?
    S01E06 - Whose Little Boy Are You?
    Tower Beyond Tragedy
    S01E07 - Tower Beyond Tragedy
    Hall of Mirrors
    S01E08 - Hall of Mirrors
    S01E09 - Timelock
    In the Midst of Strangers
    S01E10 - In the Midst of Strangers
    The Takers
    S01E11 - The Takers
    The Year of the Locusts
    S01E12 - The Year of the Locusts
    The Bullet
    S01E13 - The Bullet
    Bitter Wine
    S01E14 - Bitter Wine
    A Trout in the Milk
    S01E15 - A Trout in the Milk
    S01E16 - Deathwatch
    Act of Duty
    S01E17 - Act of Duty
    The Set-Up
    S01E18 - The Set-Up
    A Collection of Eagles
    S01E19 - A Collection of Eagles
    A Room With a View
    S01E20 - A Room With a View
    S01E21 - Deadline
    Trail of the Serpent
    S01E22 - Trail of the Serpent
    The House on Hyde Street
    S01E23 - The House on Hyde Street
    Beyond Vengeance
    S01E24 - Beyond Vengeance
    The Albatross
    S01E25 - The Albatross
    Shattered Image
    S01E26 - Shattered Image
    The Unicorn
    S01E27 - The Unicorn
    Legion of the Lost
    S01E28 - Legion of the Lost
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