1. Sezon
Puanım :
0.5 Berbat
1 Çok Kötü
1.5 Kötü
2 Yetersiz
2.5 Geçer
3 Ortalama
3.5 İyi
4 Çok İyi
4.5 Muhteşem
5 Kusursuz!
Married to the Kellys


Sezon bilgisi:

22 Bölüm
orijinal kanal: ABC
İlk yayın tarihi: 2003
1. sezon bölümleri
Pilot posteri
S01E01 - Pilot
Barbecue posteri
S01E02 - Barbecue
Lewis May Have a Girlfriend posteri
S01E03 - Lewis May Have a Girlfriend
Corrupting Chris posteri
S01E04 - Corrupting Chris
Tom Makes a Friend posteri
S01E05 - Tom Makes a Friend
Awkward Silence posteri
S01E06 - Awkward Silence
The New Car posteri
S01E07 - The New Car
The Apartment posteri
S01E08 - The Apartment
Susan's Secret posteri
S01E09 - Susan's Secret
A Kelly Carol posteri
S01E10 - A Kelly Carol
Tom Doesn't Get It posteri
S01E11 - Tom Doesn't Get It
Whose Pants Are Smarter? posteri
S01E12 - Whose Pants Are Smarter?
The Contractor posteri
S01E13 - The Contractor
A Portrait of Susan posteri
S01E14 - A Portrait of Susan
Lewis Turns Twenty-Fun posteri
S01E15 - Lewis Turns Twenty-Fun
Double Dating posteri
S01E16 - Double Dating
Chris and Mary Fight posteri
S01E17 - Chris and Mary Fight
Talk Radio posteri
S01E18 - Talk Radio
The Other Sister posteri
S01E19 - The Other Sister
The Plan posteri
S01E20 - The Plan
The Good Son-in-Law posteri
S01E21 - The Good Son-in-Law
Kansas v. Tom's Parents posteri
S01E22 - Kansas v. Tom's Parents