5. Sezon
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Gilmore Girls


Sezon bilgisi:

22 Bölüm
orijinal kanal: WB
İlk yayın tarihi: 21 Eylül 2004
23 Fotoğraf
Lauren Graham'un fotoğrafi
Rolü : Lorelai Gilmore
Alexis Bledel'un fotoğrafi
Rolü : Rory Gilmore
Melissa McCarthy'un fotoğrafi
Rolü : Sookie St. James
Keiko Agena'un fotoğrafi
Rolü : Lane Kim
5. sezon bölümleri
Say Goodbye to Daisy Miller posteri
S05E01 - Say Goodbye to Daisy Miller
A Messenger, Nothing More posteri
S05E02 - A Messenger, Nothing More
Written in the Stars posteri
S05E03 - Written in the Stars
Tippecanoe and Taylor, Too posteri
S05E04 - Tippecanoe and Taylor, Too
We Got Us a Pippi Virgin! posteri
S05E05 - We Got Us a Pippi Virgin!
Norman Mailer, I'm Pregnant! posteri
S05E06 - Norman Mailer, I'm Pregnant!
You Jump, I Jump, Jack posteri
S05E07 - You Jump, I Jump, Jack
The Party's Over posteri
S05E08 - The Party's Over
Emily Says Hello posteri
S05E09 - Emily Says Hello
But Not as Cute as Pushkin posteri
S05E10 - But Not as Cute as Pushkin
Women Of Questionable Morals posteri
S05E11 - Women Of Questionable Morals
Come Home posteri
S05E12 - Come Home
Wedding Bell Blues posteri
S05E13 - Wedding Bell Blues
Say Something posteri
S05E14 - Say Something
Jews and Chinese Food posteri
S05E15 - Jews and Chinese Food
So... Good Talk posteri
S05E16 - So... Good Talk
Pulp Friction posteri
S05E17 - Pulp Friction
To Live and Let Diorama posteri
S05E18 - To Live and Let Diorama
But I'm a Gilmore posteri
S05E19 - But I'm a Gilmore
How Many Kropogs to Cape Cod? posteri
S05E20 - How Many Kropogs to Cape Cod?
Blame Booze and Melville posteri
S05E21 - Blame Booze and Melville
A House Is Not a Home posteri
S05E22 - A House Is Not a Home